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PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags php & mysql


mysql-workbench-doctrine-plugin - Project Hosting on Google Code

The MySQL Workbench Doctrine Plugin is a plugin developed for MySQL Workbench which is a tool for developing MySQL databases with a graphical interface. Even developing MySQL databases with Workbench you can use the .yml output for usage with every database supported by doctrine.


Database replication lag | Dries Buytaert

Consider the following pseudo-code: $nid = node_save($data); $node = node_load($nid); Because node_save() executes a mutator query (an INSERT or UPDATE statement) is has to be executed on the master, so the master can propagate the changes to the slaves. Because node_load() uses a read-only query, it can go to the master or any of the available slaves. Because of the lack of synchronization between master and slaves, there is one obvious caveat: when we execute node_load() the slaves might not have been updated.

Using Flex, PHP, and JSON to Modify a MySQL Database

This tutorial should show a decent way to send data in a database to and from flex to php using json.


ARC: ARC - RDF and SPARQL for PHP developers

ARC facilitates the integration of RDF and SPARQL functionality in PHP/MySQL-driven frameworks.

OpenMSS :: View topic - Howto install a webserver, php and mysql

How to build a linux + lighhttpd + PHP5 + MySQL platform over a simple Mactor Shared Storage network disk.